It seems to be the little things that make me happy. I was talking to my WV Uncovered partner yesterday about how I love to take this alternate walkway on my walk to class because it’s always so much better in all ways. First of all, there are much less people to dodge as I walk the super sonic speed that my father has trained me to walk in since I was able to put on foot in front of the other. Secondly, and my favorite part, is that this walkway goes under tons of huge trees which shed leaves in the fall. I was telling my partner how I go out of my way to take this path because guess who gets happy when those fallen leaves crunch underneath her tiny ballet flats!?! The sound of the leaves mixed with the sight of their vibrant colors and fally smell just makes me happy inside. So here are some pictures that I took the other day! I hope you enjoy them! Have a wonderful Wednesday…..-B

I love your site. noticed that there was not too many comments. Could it be that like me the other's enjoy but are too shy to let you know? You are an amazing person keep up the good work. May God keep you always in the palm of his hand.
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