I have so much to be Thankful for today and every day in fact. God has truly blessed my life. And lately day by day he is opening my eyes wider and wider to just how much he loves me, cares for me, and desires my love in return. However, on this day specifically.... I'm counting my blessings and naming them one by one!

Numéral Deux: Pumpkin Pie.

Numero Uno: Football in the A.M.
One of the Salemites many traditions is to wake up bright and early, rain or shine, warmth or friged tempatures and play in the Mighty Turkey Bowl! So, I'm blessed to have so many friends that make the time to come together on a holiday and play a rousing game of flag football. What could possibly be better?
Numéral Deux: Pumpkin Pie.
That yummy homemade goodness topped with some sweet awesome whipped cream. Many a pies have been made in this pie pan. It belonged to my great-grandmother.

Novero Tre: Family
I love my family. I love each member for different reason but I'm thankful for their love, support, and loyalty most of all. My little sister is my bestest friend. And she humors me even when I want to take a bazillion and one pictures of her because the lighting is oh so swaaweet!
Now, I welcome you to the Meggie Budda Show!:

Next we have me and my mama: (that's right, we know how to work the camera!)
And of course ma daddy!

(1: Spanish, 2: French, 3: Italian)
It is great to see everyone having a good time. And at something that does not cost alot of money. See everyone could find joy like this. Yes B. God does have something good for you in mind. Just keep close to him and you will be ok. Your family and friends are great. Love you,
Love the new hairdo B.
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