2) Bubble baths. They're wonderful and necessary.
3) Candles. Lots and lots of candles.
4) Smelling good. I love perfume, especially the kinds that last all day long.
5) Putting 1-4 together.... Perfection!
2) Having a messy house and not having time to clean it.
3) I have to rant and rave about traffic in Morgantown since all of WVU's students are back on campus and well.. it's awful. So here goes... I was driving down Van Voorhis Road on my way to class this morning and I was running late. And as I was approaching the top of the hill where the Ridge sits guess who just had to pull out in front of me... that's right. The guy that found it absolutely necessary to drive a consistent 10 mph UNDER the speed limit. Did I mention that on this road the speed limit is already only 30? So that's right. We're traveling toward the traffic light which sits at the bottom of the hill and he's traveling along at 20mph and I'm getting frustrated because the light, you see, IS GREEN. And if you know anything about Morgantown and this particular traffic light, it takes FOREVER to get through. So, the light is miraculously still green by the time we approach it and do you know what he did next? He slowed down EVEN FURTHER! And the light, to no surprise, turned yellow and he stopped and shattered my hopes of ever getting through the intersection on this light. So this dear man made my morning commute a good 10 minutes longer than necessary. Needless to say, I was a bit peeved.
I can only imagine!
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