It's been awhile since I've done a Sweet-N-Sour and I felt it was about time. I decided now was a good time mainly because I get bored just sitting and watching tv, so I multi-task (big surprise) to feel like I've accomplished something!
Most of my sweets this week are some sweet reasons why I love it when the weather gets colder. First, coffee! Now, I always love drinking hot tea or coffee, but when it gets cold out, my coffee intake goes up, way up. Next is V-neck sweaters. Yes, I realize the picture is turned but I got lazy and decided not to try and rearrange the images to get them all to fit upright, so I added a little visual interest with the turned sweater! :) But I do love a cozy sweater... it's the closest thing to PJs that I'll ever wear to class. I think Stacy and Clinton will approve! Now, for my lovely red toes! I never, and I mean NEVER paint my toenails. I don't mind naked toes, in fact most of the time, I prefer them.. that way I don't have to make sure the outfit colors go with the toe colors. However, I broke down last night and painted them and I have to say that I love it! Loved it enough, in fact, to take a picture of my painted piggies and the CQ Cabernet No. 143 bottle! The color made me feel very fallish. Moving on to candles... sweet awesome smelling candles! I love the fall especially when stores start carrying fall smells in candle scents. My mama surprised me with this one when I went home for a visit last weekend. Now, for my absolute favorite.... my Sock Monkey Slippers!!! I try and wear them in the summer but my feet sweat, so sadly I put them away until fall sets in then wahoo.. I get to wear them again!!! Insert happy dance!

Ok.. the only sour that I can come up with right now is the stupid Old Navy commercials that advertise for Cardi Coats... grr. Every time I hear the dumb phrase they came up with to advertise for long sweaters makes me cringe. Now, I could have had my head in a book for too long and they've been using this phrase for a while but even so, the phrase makes me kinda hate Old Navy and their talking mannequins.

Love, love this. Especially the toes!
I think it's terrific that you have such a long sweet list. If it were me blogging, my sour list would be its own blog. I'm still browsing your blog, but so far, I must say I'm a fan!
I LOVE YOUR WEB-SITE BRIANNA!!! You are such an amazingly talented person! I also love your sweet and sour lists. Our sweet lists are very similar :) Can't wait to have you photograph Waine & I! Love, Angie
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