I've been pretty busy lately but here's this week's Sweet-N-Sour.
1) I kinda love Jasmine Star. Her photography is amazing and she seems so genuine. I'm not a blogger by nature but her blog is one that I find myself checking on a regular basis. Today she posted a quote that I absolutely loved...... "Don't worry about making it shore...just be sure to breathe between the waves." So cheers to you J*.
2) Sweet Tea. Now by sweet tea I don't mean cold unsweetened tea with added sugar.... I mean sweet tea that any southern resident would be eager to drink.
3) I love love love the wonderful Cheesecake Factory. Cheesecake is my vice. With normal food I'm all about eating healthy and watching what I eat but when it comes to dessert... calories and sensibility goes out the window.
4) Being able to buy 260 dollars with of clothing for $120! I love being able buy two $60 Banana Republic blouses for $30! Bargain shopping is wonderful!
1) Going to a sweet awesome restaurant and not being able to find something that you want to eat.
2) Windy days when you're having a rare "Good Hair Day."
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