Sneak Peak of Meggie's Senior Pictures

2) Sweet Tea. Now by sweet tea I don't mean cold unsweetened tea with added sugar.... I mean sweet tea that any southern resident would be eager to drink.
3) I love love love the wonderful Cheesecake Factory. Cheesecake is my vice. With normal food I'm all about eating healthy and watching what I eat but when it comes to dessert... calories and sensibility goes out the window.
4) Being able to buy 260 dollars with of clothing for $120! I love being able buy two $60 Banana Republic blouses for $30! Bargain shopping is wonderful!
1) Going to a sweet awesome restaurant and not being able to find something that you want to eat.
2) Windy days when you're having a rare "Good Hair Day."
1) Memory Quilts made from pieces of fabric collected over 21+ years, baby and toddler traced hand and foot prints, and special notes from grade school teachers and special people. All made, designed, and put together by the wonderful Grandma $.
2) A younger sister who will become a model for her older sister who gets an sweet idea in her head.
3) I went to the movies today, first time in ages, and saw The Proposal. It was awesome, charming, sweet, and inspired a theater full of laughs from my sister and I (who by far laughed the loudest out of the 10 people who were able to go to a 12:30 in the afternoon on a Wednesday showing.
4) Summer dresses. Enough said.
2) Rainy days. They're slightly sweet because they made my green pepper, hot pepper, and tomatoe plants grow faster, but they just get me so depressed.
3) Finding out that the University cancelled one of your fall classes (already) when I just had my schedule just perfect but now I have to go and figure out how to squeeze in another class that fits just right.