So we, in wonderful Doddridge County, had almost 10 inches of snow that accumulated from 7ish last night til 2ish today when I took the picture. It's been quite wonderful let me tell you!! I love love love it when it snows this much. The trees get all heavy and weighed down with snow, the roads get all covered over so everything becomes bright white, hot tea/coffee/cocoa are a must, and somehow God designed it to get really really quiet when it snows, so quiet that you can almost hear the snowflakes hit the ground. I just love it all!
Little Lexy Poodle was out in the snow earlier in the day, however she was shaking so bad we had to put her back inside. So, later on when I got the bright idea to take some sweet pictures, I of course grabbed the dog to take some animal action shots. So, I dressed Lexy in her cute little black sweater that is oh so snazzy with her L initial in bling on the back. But do you know those dogs that just seem to love to be dressed up. Like their parents have a whole box of clothes just dedicated to their dog and that little creature just seems to so enjoy the warm outerwear. Well Lexy is NOT one of "those" dogs. She hates, no... despises, no.... loathes putting on clothes. She stands, legs spread as wide apart as they can go, tail pinned down, ears down and she glares at you. Her faces reads, "You got another thing coming if you think that I'm going out in public dressed like THIS." So, she was less than overjoyed when I dressed her in her turtleneck sweater. So, I called and pleaded and coerced her outside. She looked at me with this disgusted look on face, turned her head the other direction, acted like she didnt hear me. So, like any good owner would do... I commanded..... Lexy, COME. She whimpered and came towards me. That's when, dear Internet, that I realized that I had put my poor dogs two front legs through the SAME arm hole. I felt so bad. And after I fixed the situation she still was not keen on wearing the sweater but we went outside regardless and had a grand old time in the snow!!